About Us

Our goal is to help people understand the way the body is designed to heal itself.  Each person is unique.  One size does NOT fit all when it comes to your symptoms and your physiology. This is what makes our approach here at Health Is Wealth unique. We see each individual as uniquely designed.  We do not treat you with a ‘pill’ for the ‘ill’.

Our creationist philosophy is what sets us apart in the industry of Natural Healthcare.  We empower you to take charge of your health and heal your body.


Debra Spurlock
Naturopathic pharmacist
Biologist, PharmD, ND
Tracy Hawkins
Office Manager

Nutrition and supplements sourced from the best medicine makers in the world.

1. Natural Bee products from the Honey Bees who know the art of making medicine.
2. Tinctures and Teas from organic sources.
3. Practitioner grade supplements from some of the best manufacturers around the world.


The Tote Bag

Tote Bag story goes like this.

A lady walks into my office and sits down.  

She is carrying with her a large colorful tote bag.  She begins to describe the reason and situation that brought her into my office. During the discussion she opens the tote bag and begins to reveal its content. 

Inside the bag are many containers and packages.  Big, little, glass and plastic. There are nutritional powders of many sorts: protein, green, pink, collagen, energy and blends…all or any combination thereof are in the bag.

It also contains prescription bottles and over the counter bottles from her Dr./pharmacy for some or a variety of issues of blood pressure, arrhythmias, thyroid, diabetes, depression, migraines, hormones, arthritis, skin rashes…  

The bag also contains supplements.  Sometimes as many as 40+ supplements.  A combination or variety of vitamins, minerals, laxatives, antidiarrheal, antacids, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, sleep aids, digestive aids, energy aids, hormones, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes…..


At this point in our meeting I look at  Polly and say, “Wow, I am impressed with your drive and desire to find something to help you fix your health issues. Looks like you have been at this for a while now.  I can see you have spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out how to help yourself.  It appears to me you have been trying to hit a bulls eye without even knowing where the target is!!

Let me help you. Let’s find your target health issue’s and develop a plan. We will work through your issues one at a time; like taking layers off of an onion.”

Common Cancer Story

Hubert’s story goes like this.

Hubert walks into my office and sits down.  

He is carrying with him a black bag/backpack.

He begins to describe the reason and situation that brought him into my office.  During the discussion he opens the bag and pulls out a thick folder with all of his lab work over the past two (plus) years.  He explains that he has a cancer diagnosis from his doctors and that he has had surgery and chemo.

He wants to know what he can do nutritionally to help his body repair from the chemo and surgery.  He tells me that his doctor said there is nothing else that can be done for him and NOW is a good time to TRY alternative medicine since there is nothing else they can do for his cancer.

He tells me he knows how the cancer, chemo and surgery have damaged his body and his doctors say he has 1 year at best.

At this point in our meeting I look at Hubert and say, “Your body is designed to heal itself and you certainly have a lot to heal.  It is much harder for the body to fight cancer and repair if you have already had chemo, surgery or radiation.  I will be happy to work with you, but you have to understand that you have a very narrow path forward. Our goal will be to keep you from loosing any more ground.  We will work to help you regain vitality.”

The Reasons Clients Come To Us For Help

You read about a supplement, maybe it can help.

We have all done it.  We heard someone say that a certain supplement helped them, so we want to try it, too.

My child's teacher wants to test him for learning issues.

Your child is having focus issues and struggling in school.  You are resistant to medicating your child without investigating other options .  Hair, Tissue, Mineral analysis may be helpful in revealing mineral imbalances.

My doctor put me on thyroid medication two years ago. He said my thyroid was low.

The thyroid medication seemed to help me feel better for a little while, but It doesn’t seem to work anymore.  Is there something else I can do to find out what is wrong?   I am so depressed and tired all the time.

Seems like the doctors have just given up on my dad. They just want to medicate him more and more.

The doctors told my mom that my dad is old and he is just worn out.  Last year he was working and had energy and now he just sits in his chair most of the time. Something changed and we can’t figure our what is going on.

You have options for your health and well being.

Call our office to schedule an appointment.

Your body is designed to heal itself. Your common sense tells you so.

You are created by God and in His image.  You have a body, a soul and a spirit.  All three parts of you need to be in balance.  Find the imbalances and work to restore them.  Sometimes a person has to heal their hurting soul or wounded spirit before they can heal physically.  Our goal is to help you restore the balance and work toward your restoration.


575 Southeast Broad Street,
Suite 11
Southern Pines, NC 28387


We schedule in-person or Zoom appointments for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


  (910) 725-2226